29. März 2005

langfristige Internationale Termine

Es wurden einige Daten für die nächsten Events bekannt gegeben, die Austragungsorte der 1. Runde für den Eurocup 2006, der Eurocup 2006 und die Junioren-EM 2006.
Quelle: http://www.ikf.org "European events granted Tuesday, 15 March 2005 At the recent meeting of the IKF Executive Committee the following recommendations of the European Competitions Working Group concerning the awarding of future events in Europe were confirmed:
Europa Cup 2006 1st Round - Eastern Europe: awarded to Poland; venue Wyszków; dates 1 & 2 October 2005
Europa Cup 2006 1st Round - Western Europe: awarded to Luxembourg; venue Luxembourg City; dates 1 & 2 October 2005
Europa Cup 2007 Final Round: awarded to Belgium; venue Antwerp; dates 11 - 13 January 2007
European Youth Championships 2006: awarded to Portugal; venue Loulé, Algarve; dates 5 - 11 Nov 2006
The committee would like to thank the unsuccessful bidders - Armenia, Czech Republic and France (Europa Cup 1st Rounds), Portugal (Europa Cup Final Round) and Catalonia (European Youth Championships) - for their interest in hosting these events." Noch fehlt der Austragungsort für den European Shield, den European Bowl!
von dduelfer